Facelift Surgery In Pune

Facelift Surgery

(Rhytidectomy) Facelift Surgery In Pune

A facelift (rhytidectomy) operation is performed to raise and tighten the facial skin thereby eliminating or decreasing overhanging folds or lines. A facelift (rhytidectomy) also aims to correct the effects of aging by tightening and relocating muscles that have stretched and drooped and by removing redundant deposits of fat. The standard facelift (rhytidectomy) operation is effective in the neck, chin, cheeks, and temporal regions. A facelift is the best solution for you if you have a sagging forehead and brow, heavy upper eyelids, sagging cheeks, and jowls, or a deep nasolabial fold.

The facelift operation usually takes between two and three hours to complete and is performed under general anesthetic although some patients prefer to have a local anesthetic with sedation (twilight anesthetic). Before any incisions are made the surgeon will inject local anesthetic and adrenaline solution beneath the skin.

The incision begins in the temple behind the hairline, curves downwards to the top of the ear, and then follows the crease in front of the ear. It then proceeds underneath the earlobe and turns upwards in the groove behind the ear to finally extend horizontally inside the hairline towards the back of the head.

The skin of the face and neck is gently lifted from the underlying deeper tissues to free it and stretched and pulled upwards.
Any excess fat in the neck that causes a double chin is removed by Liposuction.

The superficial muscles of the lower portion of the face and neck are tightened to firm the jawline, cheek, and mid-face.
Once the lifted skin is suitably pulled and stretched upwards, the excess is trimmed and the skin edges are then stitched or stapled. Before closing the incisions, drains (thin plastic tubes with small holes) are positioned under the skin to suck out any secretions of blood or serum which could collect under the skin. The purpose of these drains is to reduce bruising and facilitate healing. Finally, dressings are applied over the incision lines and the face is bandaged. Consult Dr. Sanghvi for facelift surgery in Pune

What Can You Expect After Your Facelift Procedure?

Facelift Surgery In Pune - Dr Shobha Sanghvi (Karishma Cosmetic Clinic Pune)

After 6 to 12 weeks the nerve fibers will all grow back.
Many patients lose weight from a decrease in appetite as well as an increased metabolism from healing.

Having a drain under the skin flaps for 24 hours reduces the severity of bruising.

Full recovery can take several weeks but you should be fit to continue your normal activities within a few days and be confident to appear in public after about a week.

You can look years younger and this can be a great boost to your confidence. The improvement in appearance can be dramatic and is usually even more so when combined with the removal of eye bags (blepharoplasty), dermabrasion, or other surface skin treatments to the upper lip.

Once significant sagging or aging occurs there is no other non-invasive technology available that can effectively lift the sagging tissues of the face. A facelift is currently the only effective option.

Our Treatment Results

experienced team of doctors

Dr. Suresh Sanghvi

M.B.B.S., MS. Mch. FAIS
Dr. Suresh Sanghvi is a Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon who has specialized for 30+ years in plastic, cosmetic surgery, and laser treatments.

Plastic Surgeon In Pune - Dr Suresh Sanghvi & Dr Shobha Sanghvi(Karishma Cosmetic Clinic Pune)
Cosmetic Surgeon In Pune - Dr Suresh Sanghvi & Dr Shobha Sanghvi(Karishma Cosmetic Clinic Pune)

Dr. Shobha Sanghvi

Dr. Shobha Sanghvi is a cosmetologist and a specialist in laser and cosmetic treatments. A graduate of the Government Medical College, Surat, and a post-graduate from NHL Medical College, Ahmedabad.

Plastic Surgeon In Pune - Dr Suresh Sanghvi & Dr Shobha Sanghvi(Karishma Cosmetic Clinic Pune)

Dr. Suresh Sanghvi

M.B.B.S., MS. Mch. FAIS
Dr. Suresh Sanghvi is a Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon who has specialized for 30+ years in plastic, cosmetic surgery, and laser treatments.

Cosmetic Surgeon In Pune - Dr Suresh Sanghvi & Dr Shobha Sanghvi(Karishma Cosmetic Clinic Pune)

Dr. Shobha Sanghvi

Dr. Shobha Sanghvi is a cosmetologist and a specialist in laser and cosmetic treatments. A graduate of the Government Medical College, Surat, and a post-graduate from NHL Medical College, Ahmedabad.