Skin Brightening Treatment In Pune

Skin Brightening

Skin Brightening Treatment In Pune

Microdermabrasion is a highly defined technique of skin brightening treatment in Pune that smoothes and refines the skin erasing skin flaws such as light wrinkles, scarring from acne, blotchiness, hypertrophic scars, post acne scars, pigmentation and sun damage. It helps eliminate enlarged and blocked pores and blackheads and leaves the skin feeling and looking fresh and soft.Microdermabrasion was first introduced in Italy in the early 1990s.

At Karishma Cosmetic & Laser Centre, expert doctors perform microdermabrasion using a vacuum sealed system and very fine sterile microscopic aluminum oxide crystals to “sandblast” the skin.

A hand piece that rotates over the area to be treated continually discards and replaces the crystals, while the suction motion exfoliates the skin. As the crystals come into contact with the skin, rough patches are smoothed out and the top layer of skin cells is exfoliated and swept away with the suction nozzle.

Full face treatment takes about 30 minutes which involves 15 minutes actual working time with the machine.

Microdermabrasion is followed by a whitening mask that gives the skin a smooth finish and a firmer look. Consult Dr Sanghvi for skin brightening treatment in Pune

After one treatment, the skin feels smoother, and is glowing and radiant. After several treatments, pigmentation and fine lines are reduced. The specific treatment required depends on the skin problem and individual circumstances.

How long does the effect of microdermabrasion last?

Skin Brightening Treatment In Pune - Dr Shobha Sanghvi (Karishma Cosmetic Clinic Pune)

The results of this procedure are often subtle improvements in texture and the appearance of refreshed-looking skin.

If you are taking the microdermabrasion treatment only to enhance the glow on your face, then the effect will last for atleast 2 weeks. 

If you are seeking solutions for pigmentation, sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, then you will require multiple sittings and would also need to use sunscreen to maintain the effect after the treatment.

Apart from the face, microdermabrasion works effectively on other regions too.

It is recommended for people with age pigmentation spots, acne scars and fine lines or for people who want to keep their skin looking fresh and young. Some conditions are not suitable for microdermabrasion. Deep scarring cannot be resolved by microdermabrasion.
The speed and recovery time for this procedure is so short that it is often called “the lunchtime peel’. A microdermabrasion procedure can be easily fit into an hour-long lunch break. You can wear make-up straight after the treatment, but it is better to keep the skin clear. The skin will turn pink immediately after the treatment, but this colour will fade within a few hours.

The feeling is similar to having a mini-vacuum on your skin, but it is totally painless. Microdermabrasion can be quite relaxing.

experienced team of doctors

Dr. Suresh Sanghvi

M.B.B.S., MS. Mch. FAIS
Dr. Suresh Sanghvi is a Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon who has specialized for 30+ years in plastic, cosmetic surgery, and laser treatments.

Plastic Surgeon In Pune - Dr Suresh Sanghvi & Dr Shobha Sanghvi(Karishma Cosmetic Clinic Pune)
Cosmetic Surgeon In Pune - Dr Suresh Sanghvi & Dr Shobha Sanghvi(Karishma Cosmetic Clinic Pune)

Dr. Shobha Sanghvi

Dr. Shobha Sanghvi is a cosmetologist and a specialist in laser and cosmetic treatments. A graduate of the Government Medical College, Surat, and a post-graduate from NHL Medical College, Ahmedabad.

Plastic Surgeon In Pune - Dr Suresh Sanghvi & Dr Shobha Sanghvi(Karishma Cosmetic Clinic Pune)

Dr. Suresh Sanghvi

M.B.B.S., MS. Mch. FAIS
Dr. Suresh Sanghvi is a Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon who has specialized for 30+ years in plastic, cosmetic surgery, and laser treatments.

Cosmetic Surgeon In Pune - Dr Suresh Sanghvi & Dr Shobha Sanghvi(Karishma Cosmetic Clinic Pune)

Dr. Shobha Sanghvi

Dr. Shobha Sanghvi is a cosmetologist and a specialist in laser and cosmetic treatments. A graduate of the Government Medical College, Surat, and a post-graduate from NHL Medical College, Ahmedabad.